What is ClimaProof?

The project “Enhancing Environmental Performance and Climate Proofing of Infrastructure Investments in the Western Balkan Region from an EU integration perspective” (ClimaProof) is financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC) and implemented by The UN Environment Programme. ClimaProof will result in increased technical capacities of the relevant national authorities in the field of climate change adaptation, specifically climate proofing of road infrastructure, green infrastructure and evidence-based policy development in the field of climate change adaptation.

Adapting road infrastructure to present and future climate conditions, through a broad concept of climate proofing, including green infrastructure, which will result into climate resilient road infrastructure in the Western Balkans.

The long-term objective of ClimaProof is to contribute to the reduction of climate change risks in the Western Balkan (WB) region while raising awareness, strengthening capacities and creating an enabling environment for investment in green infrastructure. The project aims to improve the technical capacities of the Wester Balkans (WB) (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo (Under UNSCR 1244/99), Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia) in climate proofing their investments in the road infrastructure while developing national and international frameworks through integration of EU best practices.

Total Budget:  1,700,000 Euros
Project Start: 24.10.2017
Project End:  30.11. 2021

The Western Balkan region is highly exposed to climate change (CC) and lack the capacities to cope with the adverse impacts of CC. Inadequate infrastructure is becoming a major security problem. Thus, the need for climate proofing infrastructure in general and road infrastructure in particular is recognised as a high priority in various regional and national assessments facilitated by UN agencies and the EU.

Integrated Approach   
The project reflects on the role of healthy ecosystems in climate change adaptations, raising awareness among local stakeholders and decision makers on the impact on the development of green infrastructure.

Empowerment of Women and Minorities        
During the project, gender aspects are considered when designing and planning for transport infrastructure and services. As gender inequality sustains economic growth hence poverty advances in the region. Thus, all project outcomes include a gender balanced approach and the inclusion of all relevant ethics and religious minorities present in the region, including the youth, is ensured. 

ClimaProof ensures the followings:

  1. Planned road infrastructure projects do not repeat the mistakes of the past and are based on adequately detailed climate projections and include sufficient climate-proofing measures.

  2. Road infrastructure is climate resilient by providing guidance and support in order to take into account climate projections and possible resilient measures during the planning and construction phase, action for which the relevant countries lack necessary human capacities and legal frameworks.             

  3. Big infrastructural projects will be in the position to rely on detailed and specific climate projections in the planning phase and it will be found to incorporate adaptation measures in both the planning and realisation phase, thus maximising their resilience to climate variability and extreme weather events.