Bias-corrected Climate Scenarios for the Western Balkan region

Features and Availability

temporal resolution: daily
spacial resolution: 0.1° or 0.01° (on request)            
temporal extent: 1981 – 2099/2100 (depending on the model)  

variables*: tasmax (°C), tasmin (°C), pr (mm/day) rsds (W/m²),
                                       sfcWind (m/s)**, hurs (%)**            
data format: netCDF
geographic extent: Western Balkan region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia,                                                 Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia)

The scenarios developed by BOKU-Met are freely available for download via the CCCA data centre ( The scenarios can be downloaded for the whole project area or for selected areas on a sub-regional level (e.g. countries or specifying latitude and longitude of a bounding box).

A step-by-step instruction can be found in the User Guide under Training Materials .