Improving the information base on the future climate and weather patterns in the target region

One of the main objectives of the ClimaProof project is to improve the information base on the future climate and weather patterns in the target region. In order to do so, UN Environment partnered with the Institute of Meteorology and Climatology of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU-Met) to include the relevant expertise and best practise of an EU research University.

BOKU-Met is involved in two of the projects compone

Component 1: Understanding the future climate and weather patterns in the target region:
Strengthening national capacities to understand climate change and related risks in the region through improvement of the information base.

Component 2: Planning for the future climate and weather patterns in the target region:
Strengthening national capacities to integrate climate change projections and
climate proofing and green infrastructure in the development on a regional and
national level.

Further Information on BOKU-Met Climate and Climate Impact can be found here.

Integrating Local Expertise

Integrating the significant expertise of local meteorological and/or hydrological services was of key importance. Consequently, local experts were both: a target group and an integral part of the project itself. Their expertise and feedback were essential for the improvement of the tools developed and to meet the needs of the local experts.

Therefore, a one-week Summer School on “High Resolution Climate Change Projections” was organized in Vienna where 14 climate change experts from Hydro Meteorological Institutes, Universities and government institutions from 6 Western Balkan countries participated.

Further a series of local workshops (one in every country) was organised to present the final products and demonstrate the access to the data and software in the local electronic infrastructure.